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The Porch

August 17, 2011

Back in the day, before I had a blog… I would write nonsense and then feeling the need for it to be read, I would send it to a friend to read.  I had forgotten about “The Porch.”  I sent it to Dusty for him to read on his own time, and like the sweet kid that he is, he kept it all this time.  He has sent it back to me now and…I thought, hey, I should share this with you guys too!…  Beware…when I say “nonsense”, I mean “nonsense”…But it was written straight from the heart.



The Porch


I feel like I’m on this porch…And its beautiful. The sun is
setting. Everything is okay…when I’m standing still. I have to take steps. I
can’t stand on this porch all night. I want to walk out into the yard. I need
to go inside and lock the doors. I need to open the windows and let the breeze
in…But every step I take makes the wooden floor of the porch creak and moan.
With every step I take, i’m not sure if the porch is going to hold. I’m sure
I’m going to fall. But I can’t stand here. I can’t stay here. I have to move. I
have to take a step. I have to take many steps….But what if the porch gives

-Something that a very special person said to me about a month

I thought she had lost her mind. I didn’t understand it. I had
only lost half of my mind then. Today I went and threw the rest of mine away
along with my friends, Understanding and Patience. Now I understand what she
was saying. I understand her fears… And what if the porch does give way? What
if she falls? I don’t know. She had to take the steps right? What if you fall?
What if I fall? Geez. Don’t even say things like that, Jade. Are you talking to
yourself or your reader, Jade? Sure. Whatever.

But I didn’t answer my question… You didn’t answer your
question… What if the porch breaks and you/I/she falls? Then what?


…It just takes a long time and is long and difficult. Yeah. It

But that’s what you have to do. You have to do it too. You know
what to do. So take those steps around your porch like a lion… Just carry a
hammer and a few nails in your back pocket.

LOVE YOU, you special special person you. I hope I answered your
question for you. Life isn’t all cotton clouds and floating is it? Sorry, Nor.


4 Comments leave one →
  1. August 17, 2011 11:55 pm

    That was inexplicably brilliant. Are you sure you weren’t a child genius??

  2. August 18, 2011 12:27 am

    Hey Jade, First time comment here. You are one of the few who are a natural writer. A lot of people can work hard to become good writers but only natural writers(you naturally have a command of the English language, you have to write even if no one is reading, it’s in your blood) can become great writers and you are getting there. I really enjoy reading these blogs and looky here! This one gives a life lesson about making sure our foundation in life is secure and in place…and and we have to ROOAARR like a lion! Ooops. Was that not one of the lessons? You know, I think it actually was. 😉 Thank You for sharing your amazing talent.

  3. Rebecca permalink
    August 18, 2011 1:02 am

    Lol sometimes i have these conversations with myself… OK a lot of times

  4. Alison Champagne permalink
    August 18, 2011 10:02 am

    Sounds like convos I have with myself on a regular basis. I wish I could write them down as easily as you do. But I can’t, so therefore I resort to reading your brilliance.

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