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For What it’s worth: a quick update

August 20, 2011

The drive to LA was alright.  The traffic is bad and the streets kind of stress me out.  I’ve already been honked at for changing lanes when there was a car in my blind spot, Sorry Guy, my dresses are hung up by the door so I can’t see a thing… and Chill out, gosh.  My mom told me stories about her parents and told me that she was going to miss me “giving the look” when someone in the family said something stupid.  I’m kind of famous for that.  All in good humor though, got to keep the family in check.   You can’t just ask thoughtless questions you already know the answer to! Well, actually you can; and I probably do it all the time.  But I can still call people out on it!!!

We got to LA Dia was just getting back from some “stuff” she had been up to all day.  So nice seeing her.  Whenever I see her, I always realize how much I missed her and needed to see her face for my own well-being.  And here’s where the “magic” and “love” is.  As soon as I make that realization of having to need to see her, I can see it in her eyes that she feels the same about seeing me.  The feeling is mutual, and that makes me feel at ease.  There are a few people in my life that I cared deeply about.  Whenever I saw them, my heart warmed.  When I looked into their eyes however, they seemed indifferent.  I always felt bewildered, straining to make my company with them worth while.  Of course we know when you’re worried about being entertaining and fun, you usually fail.  And of course when you know that the probably of failing is more than fifty percent (which in this case it is)  then Jade Frampton is definitely going to be failing.  (Plus, I just like saying “Fail” after I do not “Win”.  It’s too funny to me).

Anyway, Dia took us out for Italian and some awesome ice cream.  Driving through traffic, I was sitting in the back seat.  My little round nose was pretty much pressed to the window glass.  I saw girls with crazy hair cuts and styles.  I saw boys wearing adorable outfits that were so well put together I started to doubt my own wardrobe and abilities to strap on matching pieces of material.  I quietly locked the doors when we passed through some darker streets with people laying on the ground or laying back in dirty old grocery carts.  I smiled at them, trying to cheer them up.  But then, I admit, I got scared and looked away.  Despite my traveling, I’m a small town girl.  I don’t know how to comfort those unfortunate people in the city.  We passed a man with tattoos that covered his whole face.  I didn’t even know what the tattoos were of, I was too busy trying to find his eyes and nose through all of the ink.

We eventually found parking.  My mother and Dia got out of the car, and I stayed in for a second.  I realized my hand was shaking. I realized I was nervous.  I was anxious. I was excited.  I had talked so much about California.  I had gone through so much to get here.  Just having to break it to my coach that I wanted to transfer and ask for permission to talk to other schools was a head ache.  And here I was.  I got what I wanted.  Was this what I wanted?  Was it all that I dreamed it to be?  Was the grass really greener?  Was I about to be bitterly disappointed?  And was I really asking all of these questions when I was still 6 hours away from my final destination for the year?  My hand began shaking even more violently and I did the only thing I could to open the door so as not to keep Dia and Mom waiting: I took a deep breath and sprung spontaneously out of the car.  When I get nervous or afraid of something…I have to do it right then and there.  If I hadn’t literally jumped out of the car, I might have jumped into the driver’s seat and drove all the way home with my selfish fears forgetting my sister and mother on the curve.

But once we were on the sidewalk walking, I suddenly wasn’t scared anymore.  A little boy driving a little plastic car was on the side-walk of a busy street.  Funny, I used to do that, but in the safety of my own neighborhood and driveway.  A girl with white-blonde hair cut like a boy walked passed me in a floral dress with cowboy boots.  A young man with thick rimmed glasses and a bow tie crossed the street.  A woman wearing practically nothing with large fish-net leggings stood under a stop sign.  I looked down a my green flowy dress and lacey Toms.  I smiled.  In Arkansas I felt like a blinking light in dark room.  Here, I felt that I fit in okay.  I like being different, don’t get me wrong…But at least I feel like the variety was more appreciated here.  I felt like I would wear something amazing (yes amazing) last year and no one appreciated my “outward expressions”.  Oh well. Here I was.

The waiter at the restaurant was friendly and fast.  I did love the Southern Hospitality in Arkansas, but they were SO SLOW sometimes.  It was different in California. My impatient monster that lived inside me was at home here.  The ice cream place was great.  The boy who worked there was energetic and happy.  He made me feel like I was doing him a flavor by sampling nearly every flavor he had before I decided on Cheddar Cheese Melon.  “Cheddar Cheese Melon?” you ask…?  Well so did I! And the nice boy waiting on me gave me a whole scoop of it.  *wink*

We drove back to the apartment where Carlo was waiting for us.  Can I tell you how awesome he is? No, it’s not possible because he is that awesome.  He’s such an upbeat guy who’s always smiling.  He is so polite and gentleman-like it’s crazy.  I don’t think he’s capable of being rude because opening the door for you “slipped his mind” or he just “wasn’t thinking”.  It must just be ingrained into his mind.  Anyway, if you haven’t guessed, any member of Meg and Dia is like family to me.  Nick, Jonathan, and Carlo are great people and I’m so glad to know them the way that I do.  Especially when I lack brothers in my family.  As you can imagine, they are welcome anytime.  I love asking them questions about love, relationships, girl, and guys because I never get to hear it from an “older brother” perspective.  It’s one thing to ask your guy friends about something, and it’s another to ask your older brother about something…if you know what I mean!

I sat on the couch, watching Dia get organized with her things.  She literally just moved in.  I texted my best friend Katie: I don’t mean to get ahead of myself.  But I think I’m going to love going to school in California.  I sent Willie a picture from my phone with the green hills and sunset. He admitted he was jealous.  He always tries to make UNLV sound good, rubbing it in that I’m not there.  I guess we were both a little bummed that we didn’t get to go to school together, but at the same time…we both knew I’d be happier with my choice.  Tough decisions… But I think I made the right one.

And GEE WIZ that was just the first night in LA.  I have a few more to go.  Then I’ve got the real jungle: San Francisco… And SMC.  Oh golly gosh.  I’m starting to sound like I’m from Utah, but darn’t, I’m too stoked on life to care.  Anyway, I thought I’d get this blog out to you because 1. I don’t know when I’m going to have enough time to write another one. 2. Because I wanted to write about my first impression of LA while it was still fresh in my mind. 3.  Your comments on my last blog about the 99 subscribers were so comforting, supporting, encouraging, and inspiring…it made me want to write you a whole novel and give it to you today.  Unfortunately, this will have to do.

Well as it once was said… Be Careful. Have Fun. I love you!


P.S.  The weather is amazing… Okay, I was freezing when the sun went down…but that’s because I left my cardigan in the car!  So excited to not be dripping sweat by the time I get from my car to my house. Awesome!

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Ave permalink
    August 20, 2011 10:24 am

    sorry, but I was fixated on the Cheddar Cheese Melon ice cream that you mentioned. The quickest path to a man’s heart, is through his stomach.

  2. August 20, 2011 10:39 am

    if you think cali’s dope now wait’ll you check out the bboy scene…i gotta admit i’m pretty jealous…huge jam next week in hollywood and i can’t make it out lol glad to hear you didn’t long to settle in. southern california is definitely a homely place.

  3. Juncel permalink
    August 20, 2011 11:33 am

    Ahh im so happy for ya!! It’s funny that u were talking abt traffic, coz i was reading this while I was stuck in traffic at Chinatown here in Houston, and I must say drivers here get crazy at times too (buy im sure traffic here aint as crazy as traffic there!) I just made me wanna go to LA right now to see what ur seeing. Maybe one day 🙂 i hope u enjoy the rest of ur stay there!!!

  4. August 20, 2011 12:02 pm

    Wow, I’m jealous. I have always wanted to go to California. Especially San Fran. My brother-in-law is from there and he talks about it all the time. I do no think I could ever live there though. Not that I am afraid it would swallow me up or anything, just that I am a east coast kinda person. Enjoy your journey and don’t worry, get settled in at school and get back to us later when you can. Is it weird that i am excited for you? 😀

  5. August 20, 2011 12:13 pm

    That is Cali weather for you 🙂 Amazing year round. Have fun 🙂

  6. Alison Champagne permalink
    August 20, 2011 12:20 pm

    Take those fears by the you know what Jade and let them know who’s boss! You got this!!! Thanks for the update and enjoy the next few days taking everything in 🙂

  7. August 20, 2011 12:29 pm

    First things first… If you’re going to be driving in L.A. take your dresses down or have someone double help check your blind spot! I was just down there a week ago and without a doubt people drive 75mph constantly unless there is traffic. If there is traffic you got to be aggressive but smart. Anyhow, it’s not like you’re an old Asian lady driver… (are you?) I’m sure you know how to drive so no more on that. Once you get up to northern California there are select drivers who speed and do dumb stuff. Up here traffic is only during work hours so I like it better, plus most place I travel to are fairly close so I can opt out on using the freeway. With regards to San Francisco, public transportation might be a better choice. You can avoid the high cost parking and funky roads as well as busy streets. I only drive in San Francisco from time to time for events or if I got a bunch of people with me. As for the word fail, I’m guessing you learned it only a couple of months ago. Everyone who just learns the word says it often and really enjoys saying it. Haha it’s cute Jade.

    Have fun in southern California and drive safe!
    Eh, it’s not like you were going to drive recklessly if I hadn’t said that, but yeah… the 99 love you so STAY ALIVE (^_^).

  8. August 20, 2011 12:31 pm

    Thanks for the update Jade. Glad to know you made it to LA safely and that you are having fun. Enjoy your time with your sis and try not to think about SF just yet. Anyways as always have fun and thanks for the mini shoutout in the last paragraph 🙂

  9. August 20, 2011 12:36 pm

    Oh the weather, its actually really crazy. It gets from hot to cold in an instant. Theres cold days in the summer and hot days in the fall. And some warm days even in winter. You never know what your gonna get. Loving your first impression. It gave me that exciting feeling, that I want to feel when I ever move. But when I do, I will still be in California, cause yes I love this place too much to leave. LA is such a fast pace place. Im glad your first day was awesome. Hope Dia and Carlo show you around, with all the food trucks and other local things to do out here. Enjoy your stay! 🙂

  10. August 20, 2011 1:04 pm

    I knew it was going to be a good day even before I opened the lid on my notebook! The last time I was in (or near LA) was when I was giving my wife a break by taking my kids on a drive trip I-70W to I-15 (I know you probably know the I-15 part, right?) Anyway, I had my twin boys in tow with me. We did all the touristy stuff around LA and then headed for the beach. It was fun, but I wasn’t prepared for the traffic! Yikes! Have a WONDERFUL DAY!


    • August 20, 2011 1:11 pm

      I’d be curious if you liked your choice of flavor for ice cream. ”Cheddar Cheese Melon”? It sounds kina disgusting to me…I dunno 🙂

  11. suzie permalink
    August 20, 2011 2:31 pm

    Didn’t know you were going to stop by LA first before heading up north. It’s nice down here… are you sure you wanna go up to NorCal? It’s so much colder and driving on hills and it’s a farther distance to Vegas… 😉 Ok, so the traffic and driving does suck down here, but not all the parts are bad. Many have told me I’d probably love it up north, but i’m a so cal gal at heart, so I can’t be moved. You’ll probably love it though and it seems SMC is a great fit for you.

    OH, and are you a breakfast foods type of person? I know an awesome place in Hollywood you must try while you’re still down here! It’s called The Griddle. The wait can be long, but there are ways to get around it. 🙂 Anyways, hope you enjoy your time here!

  12. Char permalink
    August 20, 2011 5:19 pm

    LA seems too good to be true.
    It’s good to know you’re enjoying yourself!

  13. Wynette permalink
    August 21, 2011 2:08 pm

    It’s “cardigan weather” in LA right now 😉 i hope you enjoy your stay here for a little while, and enjoy your time even more in SF! If you’re still here and looking for a good place to eat, check out Fred 62. Order the Bossa Nova if you like belgian waffles! deeeeelish 🙂

  14. August 21, 2011 9:56 pm

    That sounds fun! My sister lives far too and I always miss her when we aren’t together. I love California…have fun!

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